Peanut Butter Banana Smoothie
Decedent and delicious sweet peanut butter and banana smoothie, this rich and filling recipe will have you wanting more and...
Mince Stuffed Eggplant
SERVES: 2 PREPARATION TIME: 10 COOKING TIME: 10-12 minutes CALORIES PER SERVER: 348 Ingredients 1 eggplant, cut the top...
Super Smoothie
Baked Avocado
Do you want a quick and easy breakfast recipe that is healthy and delicious? All you need is an avocado,...
Green Veggie Omelette
Spiced Yoghurt
Are you sick and tired of eating the same bland yoghurt, although the low-calorie food is often a weight loss...
Zucchini Parmesan Chips
If you’re craving something cheesy then zucchini parmesan chips are an easy and healthy snack that will keep you feeling satisfied. Just make sure you don’t over do it on the parmesan.
Sweet Potato Toast
Swap out processed carbohydrates for a more nutritious option with sweet potato.
Then it’s as easy as topping with your usual toast fixings. Whether that’s peanut butter or smashed avocado, sweet potato is the perfect base for your favourite toppings.