How To Keep Your New Years Resolutions On Track

Have you found yourself falling of track with February fast approaching?
You can create your resolutions with the best of intentions, but it can be difficult to stand by them, especially after a long holiday period filled with parties, alcohol and of course lots of food.
If you’re already struggling with those new year’s resolutions don’t worry, Rapid Loss is here to help with some top tips to keep you honest and on track to meeting your weight loss goals this year.
Tell Your Friends and Family
The first step is to share your new year’s resolutions with your friends and family.
Accountability might seem daunting but having others to help remind you of your health and fitness goals, particularly those most supportive, will help keep you on track and stay honest.
Who knows, you might also find that some of their goals align with yours. Perhaps they’d also like to make a difference to their health and you can work together, organise group workouts and generally support each other to reach your goals.
Online Honesty
Reach out to your online social network for support and accountability.
Just like with family and friends, having an online network know your new year's resolution is also a great motivator and can help you to stay accountable and on track to meet your goals.
If your fitness goal is to work out every day, log your workouts as status updates on social media.
If your health goal is to eat more vegetables, take photos of your meals and upload them to Facebook or Instagram. You could even start a separate blog or account.
Another great support system online is the Rapid Loss community, follow Rapid Loss on Facebook here (hyperlink - to have instant access to health tips and workouts, plus a supportive community of people also going through their own weight loss transformations.
Find A Workout Buddy
If you haven’t got one already, find a workout buddy.
Having someone there working alongside you to get to the gym or a workout class can help increase your motivation on those days where you may be feeling less than thrilled about getting your sweat on.
Plus, having someone there working out with you can also make exercise more social and fun than going for a run on your own.
Reward Yourself
To keep yourself motivated set rewards for yourself every time you reach a milestone on your health and fitness journey.
It could be anything from reaching a weight loss goal or something as simple as completing all your workouts for the week.
Depending on what you like this could be a new outfit, a weekend trip or just something you’ve been wanting to do or try. The point is just to have something specific to look forward to and a way to recognise progress.
Use a Health and Fitness Guide
No matter what your new years health and fitness goals are, having a guide to follow will help you stay on track and make real lasting changes.
That’s why we’ve developed The Rapid Loss® Weight Management Program, a completely free online guide with workout and meal plans to help you achieve your personal weight loss goals.
All you need to do is fill out a quick questionnaire and you’ll be provided with all the tools, information and support you need suited to your specific health and fitness goals.
Click here to sign up for The Rapid Loss® Weight Management Program and get your free exercise and meal plan. (hyperlink -