Indoor Ventures to Stay Active During Winter

Winter is cold and often rainy and dull. This weather often makes you want to stay inside and rug up. However, these effective activities that will help you stay fit and keep enthusiasm up, no excuses. They also happen to be fun. Get up and go!
Dance Class
Dancing burns more calories than you would think! You can burn approximately 330 calories for 1 hour of dancing, this of course changes with the genera of dance and your body composition. Dancing is also a great way to release endorphins and make for a fun activity, especially during Winter when you need to move to keep warm.
Ping Pong
Ping pong is a fun game many enjoy, why not set up a table at home and play with friends and family on the weekend? This can be a good way to get up and moving while its cold out. It doesn't hurt that it brings out your competitiveness and can be super fun. You can even venture to a friends place or local competition.
Concerts call for dancing, and as mentioned above you can burn some serious calories when busting a move. So why not listen to your favourite artist or local band while the colder months are around. Concerts are often indoors and encourage you to move your body. An internet search can help you find out who is going to be around your area during the colder months.
Museum or Art Gallery
Walking is a great low internsity level exercise, however often outdoors the winter may be slightly to cold to go for a long walk. We recommend taking it indoors, try walking around a Musemum or art gallery for the day and burning some calories while you take in the beauty.
Mini Golf
Mini Golf, specifically indoors is a fun way to fill in your weekends and stay active. Perfect for an evening date or even for a group of friends and family. Althouhg not very strenuous or high in calories burnt mini golf requires a good amount of walking around the course, helping to keep you moving during the cold.
Let us know in the comments bellow any indoor activities you enjoy.