Winter Health and Fitness Guide

Winter is cold and moody and can often result in overindulgence and lack of motivation. However, the saying ‘summer bodies are made in Winter’ is correct and with the cool weather slowly creeping in we want to give you all the tools to keep on top of or even improve your health and fitness during Winter.
In Winter morning can be brutally cold, but it is still very important to get your daily exercise in and not let the weather stop your fitness progressing. There is something about a morning workout to put a spring in your step and with studies pointing towards more calories burnt, lower calorie consumption throughout the day and a better night sleep we think this is a winter must do. To help wake you up in the morning before a work out we recommend setting alarms with 15minute intervals. 5:00 am, snooze until 5:15 am then 5:30 am and so on. You will find the perfect pattern to get you moving after a few days to a week. Once you are up to have a small cup of hot water with lemon. This helps to kick start your metabolism and is a great way to warm up your body.
If you have space at home you can easily create a small circuit to fit into your timeframe. Anything is better than nothing. However, the daunting idea of going outside isn’t as bad if you rug up! Leggings instead of shorts, thick socks, long sleeve shirt, and a jacket are all a must for the early morning. You may find yourself getting hot but you can easily tie your jacket around your waist and keep going. We recommend a 45minute walk or run to kick start your day. Just as effective but with a small price tag is a gym membership. This way you can be inside and out of the elements.
In Winter many of us tend to opt for heavier stodgy foods, which are often not the healthiest choice. We recommend making homemade soup for lunches, these are a delicious lunch alternative and if cream and dairy are avoided, they make for low calories yet filling lunches and help to avoid temptations. We also recommend leaving out the bread on the side, if it is a necessity go for once slice of wholemeal or grain bread. Stews and pies are another favourite for Winter. We recommend loading them with vegetables to cut back on the calories content as meat is often higher in calories. Shepard's pie is a great alternative to regular pie and swaps out the potato for cauliflower for a delicious and healthy alternative.
Breakfast in winter can often default to bacon and eggs, pancakes and other calorie dense foods. We recommend these as a treat from time to time and instead opt for Rapid Loss Meal Replacement Shakes. These tasty shakes give you a hit of flavour, nutrients and give you the energy to take on the day.
As mentioned above walking in the morning is a great way to get your day started. However, we also recommend small walking spurts throughout the day. Walk to and from work or the train station/bus, you can also take a small part of your lunch break to go for a stroll and get fresh air, this is a great way to give you clarity for the rest of the day. Another way to get in some exercise is to take the stairs! This can raise your heart rate and burn a few calories while you’re at it.